Sukhman 31st January 2021

Meeting your parents-in-law for the first time can be a daunting experience, especially when the father is 6 ft 2 plus. However, from the very first time I met dad he was so welcoming and kind. From that moment on, I developed a beautiful dad-son relationship with him. Dad knew I drove an Audi and so I remember one day I went over to see him and mum, he wanted to show me something in the garage, he managed to find an Audi badge, which he had added to his collection of displayed car badges. It was truly touching moment for me, which made me feel part of the family. Dad was a larger than life personality with a heart of gold; he could control the room and atmosphere with his jokes and nostalgic stories and still manage to ensure everyone had a drink in their hand and enough food in their stomach. He was such a loving and caring person; he would always ask me how my family were despite going through some extremely tough times himself. I soon learned through many amazing stories about how mum and dad helped so many family members and friends to settle her in the UK, by providing a roof over their heads, food on the table and jobs. This really showed me the stature of the man, his selflessness and willingness to help everyone. He has had a lasting impact on so many people, that it will forever be part of his legacy. My mind understands what has happened but my heart feels like I can still see or speak to dad and I truly believe it’s because he will always be in our hearts. I am so gutted we couldn’t spend more time together but I am forever thankful for the memories we did share together. I hope you are at peace now that you are reunited with mum again. Love you dad. Sukhman